Thursday, January 2, 2014

SHEAMUS - WWE Mattel Elite Series 25

It's a shame that they lost their head
A careless man who could wind up dead
You wear your sin like it's some kind of prize
Too many lies, too many lies......

Yeah...!!! That is the lyric of "The Great White" - Sheamus's theme song.....

He is an Irish professional wrestler also known as "The Celtic Warrior"...
Former WWE Champion (2 times) and WWE World Heavyweight Champion (1 time), made his return on Mattel elite figure series 25....

This time, he came with removable Celtic cross and gold Celtic cross t-shirt like he wears on television. The scheme color of the wrestling gear is black, white and silver. Included wrist band, trunk, knee pad and boots.

Here is the better pic of his accessories. The removable Celtic cross and gold Celtic cross t-shirt. The Celtic cross was made of plastic. And the shirt is made of fabric material... Its look so much real on this figure.

Now lets focus on his head scan.... This time he comes complete with a smiling head-sculpt. They put so much detail on his facial hair... They mold it and not juz draw it... His identified spiky hair also molded and colored perfectly... And he also got a blue eyes...

In the pic that i showed before, we saw that he got wrist band... Here is another pic of his wrist band that show the Celtic Cross symbol under both of his arm.

We go to the next detail on this figure - black, white and silver trunk.
They put a very nice and detail design on his trunk... At the front, they put the Irish word - "LAOCH" . Its mean HERO in english. And the 'O' letter was designed that carry the same scheme on his knee pads.  At the back, they put the Celtic cross symbol. The same symbol that under his arm.

We go a bit lower too see what Mattel put on his knee pad and boots... At his knee pad, printed the designs carry the same scheme on his trunks. For the boots, its got 2 major design... 1st, the stripes at the front, and 2nd, the Celtic cross symbol at the back.

So, the conclusion is, Mattel have made this figure looks so good.
In my opinion, you should get this figs because it came with the new printed shirt and he got the smiling head-sculpt.... Who knows, this is the only Sheamus's elite figs that got the smiling face...

Be the Greatest, Be a Champion

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