Tuesday, January 7, 2014

HARDCORE KANE - Ringside Collectibles Exclusive

Ting!!! Ting!!! Ting!!!

"Your winner!!! And newwwww hardcore champioonnn!!! Kannnnnne!",
 - April 1, 2001, Wrestlemania X-Seven....

"The Big Red Monster" has made a new accomplishment in his career by defeating Raven and The Big Show  in the Hardcore Championship.

Before we get started, lets refresh ourselves to the day when Kane  become the WWE Hardcore Champion for the first time in his lifetime. I feel so excited each time I watch this match... Its full of action, with real hardcore match and much much more extreme than today's extreme rules match....

Fuhh... miss that old time.... really exciting right?...

So, now we continue our figure review on HARDCORE KANE - Ringside Collectibles Exclusive. This is the second  figure of Kane in Ringside Collectibles Exclusive elite figure...
Roughly, we can see that the figure below is wearing Kane's old mask, singlet and pants with fire flame design.

This figure comes together with a WWE Hardcore Championship Title belt as an accessory! This is the first time the Hardcore Title belt has ever been released by Mattel! This belt is fully made of molded rubber. The detail that they put on it is unbelievable... We can see the smashed pieces of Winged Eagle WWE Championship belt reassembled with duct tapes, where the words "Hardcore" and "Champion" were written on it with marker.

Now let's look from the top; the head... Like I said before, this figure is wearing Kane's old mask... This mask was sculpted and painted perfectly by Mattel... If we look into the eyes, we'll find that the right black eye is much smaller and that makes his look horror and scary... Mattel also did a good job with the long hair... Its colored dark brown and we can see that the hair were made so detail and real just like the real Kane's hair!!

Lets move on to the upper body... He is wearing a black singlet with fire flame design printed both at the front and the back... As you can see, the flame got two colors... red and light brown.... If you can remember in real life, this lite brown part is actually transparent and shows Kane's true skin colour... Anyway, this figure still looks cool that way... Mattel also put the silver dots around his waist to make it looks like a belt with metal button on it.

Kane is known to have the identity of wearing glove only on one hand (right) and a wrist band in another hand... This glove is black, got silver buttons at wrist, also got his name on it... And his wrist band on the left also got silver buttons around it... Both glove and wrist band also make this figure looks very cool...

The lower body part, just like the upper body.. His pants also got the fire flame design printed on it... And he is wearing high boots...

Totally, this figure is really awesome and super cool to have it... Beside 'The Big Red Monster' figure itself, the Hardcore Championship Title belt is a must have accessory if you are the real WWE fans.... Its part of the WWE history... The Attitude era... Really miss that era.... hmmm...

Be the Greatest, Be a Champion

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