Thursday, January 9, 2014

RYBACK - WWE Mattel Series Elite 24

Feed Me More!!!
Feed Me More!!!
Feed Me More!!!

We never heard this anymore... The only words that we can heard now, is... "RYBACK RULES!!!!",....
Our Ryback has turn to heel... He is become "Ryback the Bully"...

Here is the latest Ryback's elite figure; WWE Mattel Ryback Elite Series 24... He came in red wrestling singlet with black wrestling gear. Also a removable black shirt... This shirt is made of rubber... At the front, printed Ryback's name with the gears logo and a quote "FEED ME MORE"... At the back, they also put a quote "FEED ME MORE"....

This figure also comes with  a black folding chair... This chairs maybe to remembered when Ryback attacked John Cena with chair while he is the number one contender for the WWE Championship.

First, lets take a look on his head scan.... This figs got a very good headscan... Its really looks like Ryback... he got a bald head also a scruffy beard.... His beard is done perfectly.... Not juz simply draw it with sharpie.

Now, is the best part of this figs... Mattle has made an incredibly detailed red singlet. Mostly, it printed with white and black designs. It combined the pic of gears, screws, words warning and dangerous, and I dunno what else mean... But its really cool!! At the center of the abdomen, it got an 'R' letter both at the front and the back side.

And if you look from the side, under his arm... You'll see Ryback's name right there... It wrote in capital letter..

Now, we proceed to the other Ryback's wrestling gear... He is wearing black knee pads, gloves, and boots. In the pic below, we'll see that he is wearing 'R' arm band... And, there is letter 'R' on his gloves. This 'R' should be stand for Ryback...

Thats all I think.... What a very short review this time... So, as conclusion, this figure is good to have... Like you can see, Mattel put an incredibly detail on his red singlet. Good headscan an of course articulation too.... Its should be good to have the bully in your shelve...  Juz let Ryback Rules us this time.... RYBACK RULES!!!!

Be the Greatest, Be a Champion

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