Monday, January 20, 2014

MARK HENRY - WWE Mattel Elite Series 26

Step up ready.
Yes sir!

Somebody gonna get they ass kicked.
Somebody gonna get their wig split.
Somebody gonna get they ass kicked.
Somebody gonna get their wig split.
Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck.
Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck.
Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck.
Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck.

Yeaah!!! That is "The World's Strongest Man" entrance theme song's lyric... 
Today, I'll give a review on "The creator of the Hall of Pain".... MARK HENRY.... This figure is from WWE Mattel Elite Series 26...

Here is the full body pic of our Mark Henry Elite Series 26... He is wearing a removable grey shirt....  under his shirt, he is wearing black and red wrestling singlet likes we saw on tv... He is also wearing black knee pads and boots... 

As I said before, this figs comes with a removable grey shirt.
There is a text on it, that says Bent on Destruction with a logo of barbell and an acronym WSM.... This acronym should be stand for his nickname, World Strongest Man!!
This shirt was made by using shining fabrics material... It looks very nice... I love every shirt that made by fabric....

For the head, Mark Henry has an angry headsculpt in this Mattel WWE Elite Series 26. I'm very satisfied with the headscan.... Because, once we look at the face, we know it is Mark Henry....
All the beard, facial hair is at the right place...
As you can see, this figure also got a very nice hair... Mattel has put the detail to make it looks like the real Henry's hair... Good job Mattel!!

As I mentioned before, Mark Henry is wearing black and red singlet wrestling attire under his grey shirt.. At the front, its just a plain black... But, I'll show you  the sides and the back view, because there is some detail on it...
At the sides, under his arm, there is two red stripe start from his armpit to his thighs... at the bottom, is a symbol of weightlifting... For your information, before Mark Henry signed to WWE as professional wrestle, he is an American powerlifter, Olympic weightlifter and strongman.
Then, if we look at the back, there is 3 alphabet; W, S and M sorted vertically.... It is an acronym that stands for World Strongest Man... Which is, it is a nickname for Mark Henry himself... 

Now, we go to the last part of this fig... Legs.... This fig wearing plain black knee pad and boots...
Now we look at his boots, we can see there is two straps.... One is over his ankle... another one is at his foots... This is show, even it is juz a plain black boots, but Mattel still put some detail on it... That is why, I love every Mattel wrestling figs....

So.... em.... what should I said for this figure...
For me... this is like juz another Mark Henry figure... the only different is, he got angry headsculpt and grey shirt... If u wanna pass on this one, its ok... I think you will never feel bad about it...
So, its up to you now... If you crazy about WWE Mattel figs.... Juz like me... hehe... then, get it fast!!!

Be the Greatest, Be a Champion


  1. For some reason....aku suka plak detailing dia...baju yang removable tu pun agak cool.

    1. Haha... ape lagi... da termakan racun... kne cr ubat... haha....
      Aku mmg minat kalo figs pnye accessories ialah removable shirt... n aku prefer kain dari getah...



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