Friday, April 18, 2014

RIKISHI - WWE Mattel Elite Series 27

Hello everybody!!!
It's been a looooong time since the last time I wrote here, on Aretuk Jawe... I miss this blog and I miss all of the readers!!!
Its quite busy this few month because I just became a father to my very own daughter, Aalani Wafiyyah...

So, after the very looong leave, I came back with the review of the latest figure WWE Superstar, Rikishi from WWE Mattel Elite Series 27 line....

Solofa Fatu Jr.(born October 11, 1965) is a Samoan American professional wrestler, best known under the ring names Rikishi (which means sumo wrestler in Japanese) and Fatu with World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), where he was a one time Intercontinental Champion, two time World Tag Team Champion, and one time WWE Tag Team Champion.

Now we proceed to the figure review....
Overall, I'm impressed with this Rikishi figure from Mattel... This is the first Rikishi's figure that distributed by Mattel..
As you can see in the pic below, he got a perfect body sculpt... The same big body type juz like the real Rikishi have... Other than that, this Rikishi came with his entrance accessories, sunglasses & sarong....

Before we going further to the accessories, lets see what is under the sarong...
Under the sarong, he is wearing the sumo wrestler attire, Mawashi... Mawashi is the belt (loincloth) that the rikishi (or sumo wrestler) wears during training or in competition.

Now, lets go to his accessories that Mattel call sarong...
Honestly, I didn't agree Mattel call it as sarong.... Sarong or kain sarong is a large tube or length of fabric, often wrapped around the waist and worn by men and women throughout much of South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, the Horn of Africa, and on many Pacific islands.
Here in my country, Malaysia, everybody wear sarong.... In Malaysia, there is two types of sarong, first is kain pelikat that wear by men... Here is the example old picture of me wearing kain pelikat...

Second type is kain batik that wear by women... the differences is the design... Here is the example, also old picture of me, wearing kain batik...

Okay, enough about sarong... now, let  me explain to you whats Rikishi actually wear... It is called Keshō-mawashi...
Keshō-mawashi wear by upper ranked professional sumo wrestlers as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyō-iri. So, that is what Rikishi wear actually...
On this figure, Rikishi wearing red keshō-mawashi with his name at the upper site... At the center of the keshō-mawashi, there is a dragon design and some kind of  Japanese vector I think... Correct me if I'm wrong...

So, now lets take a closer look to the Mawashi...
At the abdomen, just like the keshō-mawashi, there is Rikishi's name on its colored in yellow with Japanese like font...
Another detail that I love about this figure is, there is a series of rope hanging around the mawashi. In real life, it's actually a stiffened silk fronds, called sagari are inserted into the front of the mawashi.
The mawashi is movable, you can rotate it around his waist, but its never can be open....

Now we focusing on his head....
Just I mentioned before, he is wearing a yellow sunglasses... I think, Mattel didn't make this accessories properly... as you can see in the pic below, if we look from the front side, it seems okay, but, from the side, the sunglasses is too small for him..
He is also wearing a black necklace...

For the headscan... I'm satisfied with it... He got the open mouth headscan... Make him looks like the happiest person in the world...
His facial hair is awesome... Just like the real one... no complaint about it... His hair is colored white and he got a very cute pony tail at the back of his head....

Now we look up to the wrestling gear...
First, elbow pad... I think this is the new type of elbow pad by Mattel... Its a little bit thicker at the back...

He is also wearing black wrist band at both of his hands...

Like his elbow pad, the knee pad also got the new design... Its a little bit thicker at the front..

Just like we used to saw on television, Rikishi wearing a pair of black high boot... It looks very simple, but if take a closer look, Mattel has molded it to  looks like he is wearing a pad to cover his fibula, tibia & tarsal bones...

Okay... in my opinion, this figure is worth to have... The head scan, the accessories, the scale is perfect... There is nothing to complain about this figure...
I also feel glad... Finally Mattel has distribute one of the best WWE superstar....
And, I wish... Mattel will release Too Cool figure too!!!

This is what happen when you messing with Rikishi... Featuring Fandango from WWE Mattel Elite 27....

You cant get this figure or any other WWE figure at Kedai PGM

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